I love the movies. I love going to the movies and get pulled into a universe of space ship fleets, battles of epic proportions, breath-taking beauty and inspirational speeches. A movie where you love to root for the underdog and hate the villian. A movie where you can eat a whole bag of popcorn to.

However, lately I’ve been getting the feeling that Hollywood doesn’t care so much for the “magic” part of the movies and more with the “How can we make $40 million fast?” I realize that movies are a business and businesses need to make money. I buy their merchandise in support…or at least that’s what I tell myself when I look at all my Star Wars figurines. The problem I have is that Hollywood no longer has the spirit to take a chance on a new, aspiring director or take a chance on a plot that doesn’t follow the regular formula. How many movies have come out lately where you could guess what was going to happen later on?

What’s even more annoying than unoriginal movies are sequels. Both the unoriginal movie and the sequel are a void of creativity. They don’t even attempt to disguise the fact that all of their characters are from central casting. Central casting means that a character in a certain role has a certain personality and quirks. For example, every cop is a loose cannon on the edge, or the side-kick is a doofus, and all the husbands are helpless idiots with hot wives who are nags.

 At least the unoriginal movies have some sort of point to them whereas some sequels are pointless even; everything was done and wrapped up in the previous movie. No loose ends. Then another movie is simply cranked out just to capitalize on the success of the previous one. For example: the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie was great. It had everything – laughs, adventure, battles, sword fighting and pirates in dresses. It ended well, and I loved it so. However, with Dead Man’s Chest, I was disappointed. With the third Pirates movie, At World’s End, when I came home my dog found me curled up in the fetal position in the shower. And there is another sequel in the works. It’s called On Stranger Tides, and it is strange since the cast of the first three movies are not in it. So I have have no idea where they are going with this.

Pirates isn’t the only one though that gave in to the sequel sickness. Movies that have been left alone for years are all of a sudden being revived like Frankenstein (just not as pretty). Liked Evil Dead? It’s getting a sequel. Enjoyed Independence Day, or Men in Black, Mad Max, Monster Inc., or Super Troopers? All are being given either the second or third movie to their series.

Who Framed Roger Rabbit 2.   They’re doing it. I’m not kidding. I wish I was. I’m not.

Big Momma’s House 3. Goddammit.

It’s one thing to have a plot that’s simply too big to contain in one movie. But, sometimes its okay to leave something to the audience’s imagination. No one ever asked for a sequel to Casablanca. See why: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3odtrWWc2A

Please comment on this entry. Do you agree or am I being too harsh on Hollywood or too idealistic? Here’s a thought to comment on: if you could have a sequel to any movie every made and have it as good as the original, what movie would you choose?

Links to more sequels at  http://denofgeek.com/movies/405391/updated_86_movie_sequels_currently_in_development.html For the movie lovers, try http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-Rr_BtUBR4&feature=PlayList&p=64867E76ED7CFF91&playnext_from=PL&playnext=1&index=8. I do not claim to have made either video.